Friday, August 31, 2012

Saving Money 101 - just start!

Welcome to our blog's financial section. I would like to make my first post be about saving money!  Money is one of those things that seems to always run out.  One way to combat against that would be to SAVE money.  I know it seems simple, but it can be really difficult to put it into practice.  Here's a great way to begin:

Step 1: DECIDE that you are going to SAVE.  You have to make the conscious choice that you will START saving.
Step 2: PICK AN AMOUNT.  Think about a certain percentage (%) or dollar ($) amount that you will start with - then stick to it. Amy and I choose a to set aside at least 20% of our income for savings/investing - you can choose more or less depending on how much it costs for the basics and what type of future expenses you may have.
Step 3: As soon as you get paid ANY money (salary, income, gifts, birthday cards, tax refund, inheritance, etc.), take out your set amount (% or $ amount) and put it somewhere like a savings account or under your mattress (more on this later).  This is where those developing discipline skills come in handy.
Step 4: Pick someone who you trust.  Share with them how much you are setting aside each time you receive money (this could be your spouse, a parent, a close friend, or that random pen pal from Argentina).  This is so you can share your JOYs and CHALLENGEs with them about your experience with saving.

My future posts will include some ideas for places to put your SAVED money - but for now, do yourself a favor - JUST START!

Here's a great video from our friends at SNL to help you get started: "Where do you get this...SAVED MONEY???"

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